Top 4 Ring Settings with Tsavorite Gemstone

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, tsavorite is one of the finest green gemstones in the world. Tsavorite rings are trending hard and here is a small nudge in the right direction if you’ve been wanting to get one yourself:

Solitaire setting


Tsavorite is one of the rarest varieties of garnet and therefore, it is also the most expensive. It may resemble emerald but its vibrant green color is unique. The solitaire ring setting epitomizes elegance as the whole show is run by a single gemstone. This style is also well suited for men’s rings. 

Tsavorite and solitaire settings are a match made in heaven because it can be argued that tsavorites don’t need the pomp and frill of  the more elaborate ring settings. 

Halo setting 

The halo setting has made a strong comeback in the industry and looks like it is here to stay. The halo setting basically comprises smaller gemstones being set around the periphery of the centre stone.
While diamonds set in an ellipsis around an oval cut tsavorite is the classic option, you could also skirt tsavorite with tsavorite. Surrounding the centre stone with itself creates the illusion of the rock being bigger. Saving that dollar-dollar bill on the carat weight of the peripheral stones is an added bonus.

Three stone setting

Two may be better than one but three gets the job done. Unlike this poor rhyme (points for trying though, no?) the three stone ring setting is actually quite spectacular. Three stone rings usually have a centre stone and two smaller stones placed on either side of it. Tsavorites make striking centre stones and tend to pair rather well with white diamonds. 

You can make your three stone tsavorite ring even more interesting by using two different types of cuts for the centre stone and the side stones. A pear cut tsavorite graced by the company of two oval cut white sapphires? Now that’s a ring!

Antique Setting

Antique setting does not encapsulate a single design but a multitude of styles influenced from periods of jewelry fashion throughout the history of the craft: Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Victorian and Belle Époque are some of the most significant among them.

Tsavorite takes billions of years to form and is found only in the deep wilderness of Africa. The gemstones mystical green color paints an intriguing picture. Then it is only fitting that the timelessness of a rare gemstone like tsavorite be presented through the meaningful history of antique settings. 

Want to get your hands on one of these babies before the planet runs out? GemsNY’s got you. We’ve got an incredible collection of tsavorites and multiple ring setting options. 

You can also check out our new tsavorite bracelet collection if you're feeling festive.
